Dr. Jousse Lecture Series
Welcome to the new Dr. Albin T Jousse Lecture Series in collaboration with Best Practice Forum, which is sponsored by the Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory, the Spinal Cord Rehab Program, the Neural Engineering and Therapeutics Team, and Toronto Rehab.
The purpose of this lecture series is to provide a venue for scientists, physicians and clinicians working in rehab settings as well as students, consumers and their caregivers to share knowledge, present the latest research findings and participate in a dialogue on what it means to live with disability. The lectures will be 45 minute long followed by 15 minutes of questions.
Coordinator of the Dr. Albin T. Jousse Lecture Series is Dr. Kristin Musselman . If you have any comments, concerns or would like to present please send us an email at kristin.musselman@uhn.ca.
The series is currently in its 11th season.

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Dr. Jane Hsieh, Dr. Cathy Craven and Louise Brisbois: The Challenges and Opportunities of Recruitment in Rehabilitation Research
March 12, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1. To highlight common challenges associated with clinical trial recruitment in general, and with interventions for people with spinal cord injury (SCI), specifically.
2. To provide an overview of the recruitment processes currently in use within the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute (TRI) and the international Spinal Cord Injury Trial Toolkit (SCITT).
3. To reflect on how this discussion might influence recruitment procedures in your research setting using case based discussions
About the Speakers
Jane Hsieh, M.Sc. has over 30 years in spinal cord injury (SCI) research through affiliations in academia, industry, and non-profit organizations. Her current role as Executive Director of the Accelerated Translational Program of Wings for Life includes managing a portfolio requiring up to date knowledge of SCI clinical trials from both scientific and operational perspectives. Involvement in large multi-centre drug trials in chronic SCI and many smaller but highly complex multi-centre trials in acute, chronic, drug, device, and biologic therapeutics has afforded Jane extensive experience in all aspects and types of clinical trials. This experience provides informed participation in Spinal Cord Outcomes Partnership Endeavor (SCOPE), Spinal Cord Injury Trials Toolkit (SCITT) and Spinal Trials Understanding Design and Implementation (STUDI).
Dr. Cathy Craven is the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute/ University of Toronto Chair in Spinal Cord Injury SCI Rehabilitation. She is an Associate Professor in the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Medicine with cross appointments in the Institutes of Health Policy Management and Evaluation and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Toronto. Dr. Craven is a Senior Scientist and Team Leader of the Neural Engineering and Therapeutics Research Team at KITE and Medical Director of the Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Program at University Health Network. Dr. Craven leads the field with her clinical and research expertise in the prevention and management of osteoporosis and health service innovation for individuals living with spinal cord injury. Dr. Craven has published over 200 articles on related topics. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed? cmd=PureSearch&term=Craven%20BC%20%5Bauthor%5D)
Louise Brisbois has been working in the area of rehabilitation research and spinal cord injury for 10 years. Prior to that her background was in both pharmaceutical marketing to consumers, and bioethics. At TRI her focus has been on delivering an innovative program called Centralized Recruitment along with Dr. Craven. This program enables patients to engage with research in a voluntary and equitable manner, and enables researchers to identify and recruit patients to become participants in research. This research matching service began at TRI Lyndhurst Centre with spinal cord injured patients, and she led the implementation across all TRI inpatient clinics to all researchers. She is also the site coordinator for the Rick Hansen Spinal Cord Injury Registry at TRI –Lyndhurst, the largest site contributing to this national database about traumatic SCI. Outside of TRI, she is an active board member of the Veritas REB (12 years) and prior to that a member of the Sick Kids Hospital REB for 10 years, as well as a member of the CIHR Research Integrity Committee for 4 years.